
I would like to market my company in a way that is less harmful to the environment. Would a focus on digital marketing make my business more environmentally sustainable?

Leaving the issue of global emissions from data centers aside when assessing the impact that your marketing materials have on the environment it is easy to assume that digital collateral is more sustainable than printed material.

Certainly, digital marketing offers a range of benefits such as global reach, lower cost and measurability. However, when considering your environmental footprint rather than just swapping direct mail for an e-newsletter consider how you can better use both electronic and print media in a way that meets your business and environmental needs.

If your company mission is to market sustainably then you need to have a long term and consistent plan that is supported by socially responsible brand values. Your marketing strategy is paramount to delivering on your environmental goals. Targeting your marketing campaign to reach an identified audience and demographic will reduce wastage both on and offline. Monitoring and measuring the success of your campaign will provide you with valuable data that can further assist with reducing the volume of output. Integrating your website with your accountancy software can cut down on a high volume of unnecessary paperwork as well as streamlining your customers online experience.

It takes time to build a brand that is synonymous with social responsibility and sustainability. Don’t fall into the trap of using buzzwords or jumping on the bandwagon of social issues to promote your business in the short-term. A well planned out and long-term approach will enable you to build a brand that resonates with your target audience and delivers on environmental promises.

If you would like to find out more about how you can adapt your marketing to be more environmentally sustainable, we are offering a FREE marketing audit until 31st March. If you would like to take advantage of this offer, please contact the agency on 01622 687729.

Click here to read the full article published by South East Business.

Talk to us: 01622 687729