
In these challenging times while navigating your business through the minefield of government initiatives, employment law and financial crisis, it is easy to batten down the hatches and not think about communicating with your customers.

However, now is the time to stand together with your employees, your suppliers and your customers.  We’re all in this together. The coronavirus will test us all, it will test the strength of our businesses, the loyalty of our employees and our client relationships. What you say and how you say it has never been so important and will likely be remembered in the months ahead.

Now more than ever businesses must think long-term and keep building their brands and protecting their core values. It is important to let your client base know that you are here for them and what you can do to assist them through this crisis.

Out of sight means out of mind.  Keep in touch with your customers or you risk losing them. As everyone knows it is always more cost effective to retain an existing customer than acquire a new one. In the longer term as a country we will come out of this, which is why it has never been more critical to keep our channels of communication open.

An unprecedented number of people are self-isolating, working from home and practicing social distancing measures. With more people at home brands are shifting their focus towards digital media such as social media channels, digital ads, online magazines and e-marketing. Digital media enables brands to improve visibility to their target audience. Video is a great way to get your key messages across to your audience using animation and infographics.

Be considerate with your marketing messages there is a balance between being helpful and looking like you are trying to take advantage of a crisis. Don’t deviate from your mission statement or company culture and ensure your messages are clear and reassuring.

If you are concerned about how you should be marketing through these challenging times or you would just like to have a chat for some free advice Adams is on hand to assist you just call us on 01622 687729, we’re here to help.

Talk to us: 01622 687729