
Scattered throughout social media channels, on websites and blogs; infographics are everywhere. More and more businesses are using infographics as a strategic method to target their audience. They are perfect for communicating a complicated idea and if done right, they can help boost your SEO, increase your brand awareness and bring in new leads for your business.

Whether you’re already a champion for using infographics and just need a little affirmation or are now considering using them in your content marketing strategy, here are some convincing statistics to consider:


1. We are highly visual creatures: 90% of the information transmitted to the brain is visual. Even more, visual images are processed 60,000x faster in the brain than text.* Visitors to your website will remember your messaging far better when displayed in a visual manner.

2. As the saying goes ‘a picture is worth a thousand words.’ On average, people only see 20% of the text when visiting a web page.* Infographics allow readers to skim through the content quickly and let them decide if they want to find out more.

3. If you are seeing a drop in your company’s social media efforts, post an infographic. Images on Facebook get 200% more likes than text updates or links, and Tweets with images receive 150% more retweets than those without.**

4. Due to their visual attractiveness, the capacity for infographics to go viral is much higher than ordinary text content. A compelling infographic that is linked will drive an average of 12% increase in traffic to your website and/or blog as people ‘share’ and ‘click’*. This increases your Search Engine Optimisation as Google will index your website higher (due to Google’s ‘Page Rank’ algorithm).


If you aren’t already using infographics as part of your online marketing strategy, you could be missing out on these great benefits. If you would like to make a compelling infographic for your company, our team of experts are here to help. Get in touch by emailing or call on 01622 687 729.


Talk to us: 01622 687729