
A new website for Nicholson McLaren

nicholson mclaren logo


Established in 1972 Nicholson McLaren Engines Ltd is a name that is engraved in Motorsports history.


Nicholson McLaren are one of the most respected motorsport and aviation engine builders in the UK – in fact the world. Founded in 1972 by John Nicholson and Bruce McLaren (Yes that Bruce McLaren), the company is world renown for its engine development work for individuals, race car teams and OEM’s.

It’s fair to say Nicholson McLaren are at the pinnacle of their industry, and consequently needed a website and online presence to communicate their prowess and complete service offering in two distinct markets: automotive and aviation.



The agency was tasked with producing all aspects of revamping the online presence – including all the digital collateral, a subtle logo refresh, video production and social media management.

Adams Group reviewed the user experience and, in context with the business objectives for a renewed online presence, designed & built the website around the two specialist sectors with their own content sections.

The agency worked closely in conjunction with the senior management team at Nicholson McLaren. This is an extremely prestigious project with a highly respected company and Adams utilised their skills across all facets of the project to bring about a remarkable digital transformation.

What we did

The creative direction of the website needed to clearly demonstrate the two specialist sectors of Nicholson McLaren, as well showcase their extensive knowledge and precision services.

A new responsive website design & refreshed brand, optimsed SEO, UX and page speed improvements – as well as various showcase videos – were an integral part of the process of bringing this highly visual website to life.

Client Testimonial

“The decision for Nicholson McLaren to select the Adams Group as partners to design and host our new website was based on their professional approach as well as their enthusiasm and understanding of our industry. We are very pleased with the partnership and we look forward to working with the team at Adams in the future.”

John Waghorn, CEO

Nicholson mclaren logo


increase in users


increase in sessions

Talk to us: 01622 687729